St.John Chrysostom


Holy Pascha

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! - 04/28/2019

A little before midnight on the Blessed Sabbath the Nocturne service is chanted. The celebrant goes to the tomb and removes the winding-sheet. He carries it through the royal doors and places it on the altar table where it remains for forty days until the day of Ascension.

Sunday Afternoon - 04/28/2019

Agape Vespers (also called Vespers of Love) is a Vespers service that continues the celebration of Pascha, typically held in the afternoon on the day of Pascha. At this service the Gospel reading (John 20:19-25) depicts the first appearance of the risen Lord to his disciples, and is recited in many languages (often as many languages as are known by those present in the congregation), symbolising that the glorious resurrection of Christ is proclaimed to all the nations of the world. To this effect, the Gospel pericope is sometimes read from different places within the nave.

Annual Church Picnic

Annual Church Picnic.

Neshaminy State Park in Bensalem PA. The Divine Liturgy started at 12pm. It was a beautiful weather and everyone enjoyed the food, drinks and music.

Dioceses of Boston

Dioceses of Boston, New England and Albanian Archdiocese.

John, substitute choir director

John was our substitute choir director

this past Sunday, April 15 2018

Instructional Liturgy (Shpjegime mbi Liturgjinë)

Dear Parishioners & friends of St. John's:

This Sunday, March 18th, we will celebrate an instructional liturgy, in which I will be explaining the various parts of the Divine Liturgy. I will also be using the table out in front of the iconostas (icon screen) so the parishioners can see what is being done. Please come. The more we learn about the services, the stronger our faith will grow.

Yours in Christ,
Fr. Brooks

Women's Day Dance 2018

August 2016 Picnic at Mermaid Lake in Blue Bell, PA

Divine Liturgy 1965 Rev. Spero L. Page

Part 1

Part 2

Albanian Orthodox Church


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