St.John Chrysostom

Photo archive 2023

Christmas Eve 12/24/23

Christmas Pageant 12/17/23

A wonderful Christmas Pageant by our Sunday school students. That was followed by a visit from Santa & Mrs. Claus! Then we sang Happy Birthday to Reader Chris.

Albanian Flag Day 12/03/23

We honored our ancestors who came to America and celebrated Flag Day.

Halloween 10/30/23

Our kids had a wonderful time at the party!

Bishop Nikodhim visits St. Johns 09/24/23

Newly ordained Bishop Nikodhim visits our parish.

Ordination & Consecration of Bishop Nikodhim 09/16/23

The Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese in America has a new Bishop!

John & Alex B-Day 08/13/23

Altar Servers John and Alex celebrated their birthdays!

Exaltation of the Holy Cross 09/10/23

And the blessing of the students backpacks.

John & Alex B-Day 08/13/23

Altar Servers John and Alex celebrated their birthdays!

Nick Naum Scholarship 07/30/23

Nick Naum Scholarship presentation

Sunday School Students 06/25/23

Our Sunday School Students

Five Loaves & Recognizing our Students - 06/11/23

Christ is Risen!  Krishti u Ngjall!

Pentecost - 06/04/23

The Decent of the Holy Spirit on the Disciples. Fifty days after Pacha.

Memorial Day at Fernwood 05/29/23

Father Kai and Father Nick visited Fernwood Cemetery and blessed the graves of the departed.

Holy Pascha - 04/16/23

Christ is Risen!  Krishti u Ngjall!

Holy Friday - 04/14/23

We processed around the block to commemorate Jesus’ funeral. When we entered the church we venerated the Holy Bible.

Holy Thursday - 04/13/23

Father Kai read the Twelve Gospels as we went from light to darkness.

Holy Unction - 04/12/23

We gathered to receive Holy Unction on Wednesday evening.

Lazurus Saturday & Palm Sunday - 04/9/23

Palm Sunday was celebrated by around 100 parishioners.  The kids were doing Meshe and cookies.

Women Dance Party - 03/04/23

Celebrating International Women’s Day.  There were about 80 parishioners and friends of St. John’s church.  It was a great night.

Icon Auction Part II - 01/29/23

 Some 60 parishioners participated in the Icon Auction Part II. 

Icon Auction Part I - 01/22/23

 Part 1 of our Annual Icon Auction raised over $7,000.00 for our Parish.


Discussions with Father Dennis

Sunday April 26, @12:00 pm, we joined via zoom for a discussion and coffee hour with Father Dennis.

Divine Liturgy with Metropolitan Tikhon

Celebrating The Divine Liturgy with Metropolitan Tikhon, Fathers Dennis, Gregory, Nicholas, Theophan, Deacons Joseph and Andrew last Sunday, February 23, 2020. It was a glorious day for our parish! Thank you all!

Liturgy in the park

Liturgy in the park – Church annual picnic at Neshaminy State Park in Bensalem PA – September 15, 2019

Parishioners of St. John Chrysostom, families and friends gather at Neshaminy Park to celebrate Exaltation of the Holy Cross followed by our annual church picnic.


Ancient Faith Podcasts

In addition to the two 24-hour-a-day internet radio stations, Ancient Faith Radio is the leading provider of Orthodox podcasts.


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